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100% Polyester
A steamed velour plain velvet.
This sits equally in fashion or for soft furnishings.
Wash: 6/40′
weight: 300g/m2
Velour, Velvet
Plain, Textured
Dresses, Jackets
Martha from support
Bridal / Evening Plains
100% Polyester soft Chiffon, Plain colours
Lace Fabrics
‘Teardrop’ Heavy Beaded embroidered lace
‘Bubba’ Quilted Polyester Nylon Diamond
CLEARANCE- Buy it Now, before it's gone!
2 Tone Light Chenille style soft furnishing
‘French’ Chantilly inspired fine lace in Emerald Green
Jersey Stretch Plain
1920’s styled Stretch Diamond Velour Velvet
Soft Furnishing
Abstract textured chevron in Tans and Salmon
2 Tone shadow Embroidered scalloped lace from Telio 38616